Domain Contact


Via this website you can send a message to contacts of a domain registered through

Please enter the domain name and select which contact you would like to send a message to.

  • Domain

  • Contact-Type



  • Why do I need to use this website to get in touch with a contact for a domain?

    Under the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) whois data is not displayed publicly any more for many domains. As a consequence contact data, such as name and email address is not published. Instead a link to this website published and its purpose is to provide a method to send a message to the domain contact.

  • Which contacts of a domain can I choose from?

    There are up to four different contacts of record listed for a domain: Owner: The registrant and owner of the domain. Admin: The administrative contact of a domain. Typically the administrative contact is delegate to perform all domain related actions. Tech: The technical contact of a domain. The technical contact takes care of technical issues like DNS records. Billing: The financial contact of a domain. Responsible for all billing related topics such as payments for the domain.

  • Are the four contacts always available for each domain?

    This depends on the top level domain of the respective domain name. The mentioned four contacts are available for all generic top level domains (gTLDs). For country code top level domains (ccTLDs) these contacts are not always available. When in doubt please choose the Owner contact to get in touch with the domain owner

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